Working on the Studio

Sometimes it’s necessary to work ON and AROUND the studio instead of IN the studio. Here are two recent projects:

A few days ago, during a hard rain storm,  this wonderful, shady, wonky, cat climbing tree just fell to the side of the studio. Whew lucky. Not a scratch.

downed tree in rain next to Petrulis studio
Petrulis studio (the Chicken House) looses shade tree to storm

My husband Ned has been working on deconstructing the tree (project 1).

fallen tree, art studio, newly painted green door
Lucky me the tree missed the studio.

You may notice the greenish door which I had just re-painted (project 2). I just had to have that color! and the ratty red door needed refreshing anyway.light yelowing green door with black trim, studio door

I couldn’t find a proper before picture, but here is a nocturnal pic from the winter of 2012. If you look closely you can see the red door and the chunks of snow in the tree.

petrulis studio at night in the snow
lovely snow shadows

And here is an aerial view with Mulberry tree highlighted.

studio roof and trees looming above. arrow and circle highlight the mulberry tree.
Erect mulberry tree before the storm as seen from above.

Kitten Caboodle (Boodle) loved that tree. And I would not be surprised if she climbed as high as the arrow.  Read about her love of paper (and thus banishment from the studio). Read about the beginnings of the studio.

kitten sticks tong out surrounded by mulberry and vine leaves
Boodle in one of her favorite places.


4 thoughts on “Working on the Studio”

  1. Lisa, thanks for your in depth tale of Caboodle! She is quite cute, even though she is devious. Your paintings are, as usual, unique and beautiful. Thanks for sharing, as I was unable to make it to Rose.

  2. Lisa, Wow, who knew art making could be such a dangerous profession! Glad you and the studio didn’t get crushes. Condolences to Boodle on the demise of his climbing gym.


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