A SHORT SHOW & TELL on VARIATIONS part 1: Mark Making & Seeing

Felt tip pen drawing of a recumbent fluffy white dog. Grey with white and black accents. Artist Elizabeth Lisa Petrulis.

Variations on Butterscotch (Drawings) When I first got my new paint pens I made three quick drawings from the same reference photo. (Thanks, Kathy Hsiao, for the photo of Butterscotch.) I really got a thrill. The pens reminded how much I love to draw. Making these variations, I was merely getting a feel for the pens … Read more

THE CHICKEN HOUSE STUDIO part 1: the beginnings

Chicken house masonry building interior as found without doors or windows and strewn with debris and trash.

Humid buggy air loitered in the holes where windows and doors once were. The corrugated tin roof was leaky, rusted, and layered over spongy asphalt shingles. On the cobwebbed inside, feathers stuck to chicken wire and translucent snake skins hung from the rafters. The floor was dirt. Its most recent use a convenient and hidden repository of oversized, unwanted, hard to dispose of junk. But it was a sturdy masonry building with a spacious interior.

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WORKS IN PROGRESS: Horse Shadows (midway)

a still from a progress video showing Elizabeth Lisa Petrulis painting "Horse Shadows"

Video Stats

a still from a progress video showing Elizabeth Lisa Petrulis painting "Horse Shadows"

The below live action video lasts less than 34 seconds but represents 25 minutes of work in the studio (through the miracle of editing and accelerated motion).

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Orange studio cat Boodle sitting in a Dick Blick art supply shipping box and the brown wrapping paper that cushioned the supplies.

Boodle, the studio cat, is attracted to paper and boxes like a magnet to iron. You can imagine the havoc this plays in the studio.

Orange studio cat Boodle sitting in a Dick Blick art supply shipping box and the brown wrapping paper that cushioned the supplies.
Boo staking her claim.

Unfortunately an attitude of entitlement has developed and forced me to ban her when I pack or unpack paintings.

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